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Students with disabilities

Consultation & Support

Pursuant to section 2(5) of the Hochschulrahmengesetz and the corresponding laws of the Länder, the duties of the universities include taking into account the special needs of disabled students. It follows from this that study and examination regulations must be designed in such a way that students with disabilities also find appropriate conditions.

Applicants and students with disabilities should in any case contact the representative for disability issues at their own university as early as possible in order to discuss the necessity, nature and extent of compensation for disadvantages and to enforce their claims. The design of the compensation measures should always be regulated individually. They must be applied for. Possible forms of disadvantage compensation are:

  • Written supplements to oral examinations for hearing impaired students or students with speech impairments
  • Time extension for homework, exams etc.
  • Extension of the examination time if interruptions in examination preparations were necessary due to poor health 

 Furthermore, special financial regulations for students with disabilities and/or chronic illness must be observed:


Contact persons for disabled students at the universities

University of Greifswald

Prof. Dr. Christine Stöhr
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Botanik und Landschaftsökologie
Münterstraße 1
17489 Greifswald

Phone: 03834 4204104
E-Mail: stoehruni-greifswaldde 

Delegate for students with disabilities for the University of Greifswald

University of Applied Sciences Stralsund

Veronika Packebusch
Haus 1, Raum 202
Zur Schwedenschanze 15
18435 Stralsund

Phone: 03831 456529
Fax: 03831 456640

E-Mail:  veronika.packebuschfh-stralsundde

Delegate for students with disabilities for the University of Stralsund

University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg

Britta Tammen
Raum 371 - Haus 1
Brodaer Str. 2
17033 Neubrandenburg

Phone: 0395 56935511
E-Mail: tammenhs-nbde 

Delegate for students with disabilities for the University of Neubrandenburg

Information events

Dates will be announced.

Financing of the general subsistence

Financial own resources or BAföG

The Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) also gives students with disabilities and chronic illnesses top priority for financing their studies if they do not have sufficient own funds and the income or assets of their parents or spouse are insufficient. Please contact the BAföG office for information on all questions concerning the promotion of education.

Special BAföG regulations for students with disabilities

The BAföG regulations take into account by

  • the inclusion of an additional hardship allowance in the parental income
  • the possibility of extending the maximum duration of support 
  • specific repayment terms

the special situation of disabled students. However, disability-related additional expenses during the course of study are not taken into account in the BAföG calculation. Here the SGB XII. applies under certain conditions. You can obtain advice on the special BAföG regulations for students with disabilities from your BAföG office.


Within the framework of the scholarship scheme for gifted students, studies can be (partially) financed by scholarship funds. The modalities can be obtained from the organisations for the promotion of gifted students (financing possibilities except BAföG > scholarships through foundations)

Foundations that specifically support students with disabilities

Dr. Willy Rebelein Stiftung 

Bauvereinstr. 10-12
90489 Nürnberg

Phone: 0911 580740
Fax: 0911 5807410


Daimlerstr. 10
45133 Essen

Phone: 0201 420684 

Paul und Charlotte Kniese-Stiftung 

Hardenbergplatz 2
10623 Berlin

Phone: 030 7959230
Fax: 030 7968600

The Kniese Foundation works exclusively in the field of care for the blind.

Financing the additional needs of disabled persons

From January 2005, the assumption of disability-related additional costs, which were previously financed under certain conditions by benefits under the Federal Social Welfare Act (BSHG), will be regulated in accordance with the provisions of the Social Security Codes II and XII.
The associated changes affect, among others, students with disabilities who are dependent on the assumption of the costs of the disability-related additional requirements. In individual cases, it is recommended to seek advice from the social counselling service.

Barrier-free living

At all three locations Greifswald, Stralsund and Neubrandenburg there are rooms suitable for disabled persons.
 In Greifswald handicapped accessible rooms are offered in the following dormitories:

  • Fleischerwiese (4 dormitory places suitable for the disabled)
  • Max-Kade-Haus at Hans-Beimler Str. 9 (2 dormitories suitable for the disabled)

Students with disabilities are given preference for accommodation in a hall of residence. The staff of the Student Housing Department will be happy to advise you on suitable places in a dormitory.